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Writer's pictureLance Mergens

It's no longer a dream...

Hey everyone. I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to you all for your vision, understanding and generosity. With great appreciation I want to announce that the Toilet is almost done!

A large latrine style toilet is now poised to change the way Pastor Sene Gener’s church and school are functioning. What started as a dream to get 50 young refugee children off the streets has turned into an example of how to live, a center for learning and a beacon of hope.

The conditions of this newly established school/ chapel is unstable as the Haitians are squatters in a foreign land. Local Dominican leaders, since the school has started to have such a draw, sent in an inspection team to witness whether or not the facility was adequate to care for such a number of students or parishioners. The facility passed the test and the advancement moves on. Pastor Sene reports, “The building of the latrine has arrived just in time….We can see God is on our left hand and on our right..He has not forgotten us and we will not forget him.”

By dreaming with Sene and his wife about what they will do to positively impact the community where they live, they, through you, are beginning to change the mindsets and habits that will lift and grow their sisters and brothers. It’s their pure desire and follow through that is powering the change in this corner of the wilderness that will eventually bring knowledge, peace, power, security and growth to our Haitian sisters and brothers. Together we are abolishing child trafficking from the inside out! Thank you for your heart.

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