Our community banking initiative is thriving!!! It’s so awesome. A couple things to report back on. Simeon says that he has seen people that are part of one of our community banking groups actually doing service throughout the community. I’ll remind you that the concept of serving others didn’t exist even in the slightest. So cool.
Secondly there are hundreds more within the community that want to be a part of our Community Banking program we have there. It would be awesome to meet the demand even a little if we can. We’d love your help getting just one more going.
We’d like to raise $200 to get another green box made which is the most expensive part, but to also buy 3 locks, the calculator, the ledger book and everyone in the group gets a tracking booklet that we print up. You can donate to our Venmo account: @ACTNow or go to our website and we’d love to have more monthly supporters no mater the amount. www.abolishchildtrafficking.com
Everything counts and is appreciated
